Jeju Hallabong Mandarin Juice
제주랑 한라봉 감귤주스 (320ml)
No coloring, no preservatives, 100% pure juice with zero water added
Get your daily dose of fruity fun with Jeju Hallabong Mandarin Juice! Made with squeezed, not concentrated, fruit for maximum nutrition and flavor. No added water or any artificial ingredients - just pure happiness in comes in a cute Jeju haenyeo bottle every sip!
제주 한라봉 감귤 주스로 하루를 상큼하게 채워보세요! 인공 첨가물이나 물이 들어가지 않은 100% 착즙주스랍니다. 영양과 맛 둘다 잡은 한라봉 감귤주스로 상큼한 하루 보내세요!
Net Weight
- 320 ml
- Citrus juice, Hallabong juice
Keep it at room temperature without direct sunlight