[20% OFF] (Best Before: 26 Apr) Chaedam Vegan Curry (Original - Medium Spicy/Mild) 저온 숙성 채담카레 (오리지널맛/부드러운맛) (160g)
[20% OFF] (Best Before: 26 Apr) Chaedam Vegan Curry (Original - Medium Spicy/Mild) 저온 숙성 채담카레 (오리지널맛/부드러운맛) (160g)
[20% OFF] (Best Before: 26 Apr) Chaedam Vegan Curry (Original - Medium Spicy/Mild) 저온 숙성 채담카레 (오리지널맛/부드러운맛) (160g)

[20% OFF] (Best Before: 26 Apr) Chaedam Vegan Curry (Original - Medium Spicy/Mild) 저온 숙성 채담카레 (오리지널맛/부드러운맛) (160g)

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Chaedam Vegan Curry (Medium Spicy/Mild)


저온 숙성 채담카레 (오리지널맛/부드러운맛) 

Vegetarian friendly and nutritious Curry

Chaedam Vegan Curry made with pesticide-free vegetables (broccoli, barley, radish, vitamins, rape, baeksosoon, bokgyeongchae) grown by a professor of agriculture.

You can trust and eat it as a vegan dish, and the deep taste is excellent because it has been aged at low temperatures for a certain time.

The original taste is slightly spicy, and the soft taste has coconut milk and sweet pumpkin in it, so it is a soft taste that is good for children to eat.

Try adding toppings you want to enrich the taste!

농학박사가 직접 재배한 무농약 채소(브로콜리, 보리, 무, 비타민, 유채, 백소순, 청경채)를 듬뿍 담은 카레 채담카레 입니다. 

비건식으로 믿고 드실수 있고, 오랜시간 저온 숙성으로 깊은 맛이 일품이에요. 

오리지널맛은 살짝 매콤하고, 부드러운 맛은 코코넛 밀크와 단호박이 들어가 아이들도 먹기 좋은 부드러운 맛이에요. 

건더기가 없는 카레로, 원하시는 토핑을 추가해 보세요. 



Medium Spicy: Onion, curry, wheat powder, garlic, barley sprouts, sugar

Mild: Onion, curry, wheat powder, garlic, barley sprouts, pumpkin, coconut milk

**allergen: Soybean, Tomato, Wheat






Keep it at room temperature


Place on a microwavable container and microwave for 3 minutes