Mayo Dried Pollack Strips (Chill)
황태마요 (냉장) (80g)
Indulge in a mayo love affair!
Dried pollack meets mayonnaise and a delicious spicy sauce, then gets reborn through baking. The longer you chew, the spicier and more distinctive the flavor becomes. A perfect pairing for beer, but also a delightful snack to enjoy with wine. When a late night snack craving strikes, satisfy it with the light and scrumptious combo of dried pollack mayo.
마요네즈와 황태의 환상적인 만남! 잘 말린 황태를 매콤한 소스와 함께 버무려 다시 구워낸 황태마요입니다. 고소하고 부드러운 감칠맛의 황태를 가벼운 간식으로, 술안주로 즐겨보세요.
- Dried pollack, mayonnaise, pepper, refined salt, glucose, garlic powder, apple cider vinegar, honey butter seasoning, red pepper powder
Net Weight
- 80g
- Keep it in the chiller