Fermented Konjac Buckwheat Noodles 발효 곤약 메밀면 (200g)

Fermented Konjac Buckwheat Noodles 발효 곤약 메밀면 (200g)

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$14.00 HKD
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$14.00 HKD
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Fermented Konjac Buckwheat Noodles


발효 곤약 메밀면 (200g)

Fermented konjac buckwheat noodles—the guilt-free way to indulge! With just 7 kcals and 5g of carbs per 100g, you can chow down without worry. Plus, the fermentation adds extra chew, and the seasonings and broth penetrate the mix for an even richer taste. Enjoy a yummy meal without the guilt—it's the perfect way to satisfy your cravings!
칼로리는 낮추고 포만감은 든든하게 챙겨주는 곤약, 이번엔 메밀면으로 재탄생했습니다! 구수한 메밀향의 곤약면을 메밀소바, 들기름 비빔면 등 다양한 요리에 활용해보세요. 각종 요리에 메밀사리면 대신 넣어, 칼로리 부담 없이 가볍고 맛있게 즐기실 수 있습니다.
  • Purified water, konjac powder, potato starch, dried buckwheat flour, calcium hydroxide, glutinous rice powder, freeze-dried lactic acid bacteria

    **allergen: Milk and buckwheat

Net Weight
  • 200g

  • Keep it at room temperature without direct sunlight

  • Open the package, discard the liquid, and put it in a strainer to drain the water.

    [Fried glass]
    Stir-fry the noodles for about 30 seconds, then add the sauce and fry for another 1-3 minutes.

    [Soup dish]
    Add konjac noodles to various soup dishes and boil for about 1 to 3 minutes more.