[Leesumi Farm Berry]
Organic “Korean” Strawberry Jam
유기농 한국산 딸기 쨈(320g)
Just organic berries and organic sugar, no other extras~ We grind whole seeds for full flavor and nutrition, showing our passion for organic farming by putting our all into nature and people. Lee Su Mi Farmberry is in Geochang, Gyeongnam, where tens of thousands of berries grow in a 33,000ml yellow soil field. We cultivate masterpieces like bokbunja, blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, aronia, and wild ginseng, born from the scorching sun, pure water, and unspoiled environment.
씨까지 통째로 갈아 넣은 특별한 무농약 딸기 수제잼!
유기농 베리와 유기농 설탕뿐 다른첨가물은 안들어갔습니다. 씨까지 통채로 갈아 맛과 영양이 살아있는 수제잼 플레인 요거트나 시리얼에 첨가해서 먹으면 좋고, 빵에 발라 드시거나 샐러드 소스로도 활용가능합니다.
Pair with bread, milk or yoghurt
- Korean strawberry, sugar
- 320g
Keep it at room temperature without direct sunlight