[Living Crafts]
Toilet Bowl Cleaner (40g x 10ea)
변기 세정제 (40g x 10개)
Keep your toilet sparkly clean with Toilet Bowl Cleaner!
Drop into your toilet, and it will take care of invisible places, hygienically cleaning the water tank and drain pipe. This toilet cleaner contains surfactants, helping you save time and money on toilet, tank, and drain maintenance. Use this household-grade detergent to tackle hidden contaminants, leaving your toilet hygiene and sanitation in top condition. Enjoy clean and tidy use, each 40g pack is conveniently packed and ready to use. Get the clean you need!
변기 수조에 퐁당 - 넣기만 하면 끝! 아주 손 쉽게 변기 위생을 관리하는 법을 알려 드릴게요. 생활공작소의 변기 세정제를 이용하면 변기 위생 걱정은 이제 끝! 계면활성제 성분을 함유해 물을 내릴 때마다 변기 속과 손이 닿지 않는 물탱크, 배수관까지 관리할 수 있고요. 세정제 1개당 약 400~600회 가까이 사용할 수 있는 용량이라 한 번 구매해 두면 넉넉히 사용하실 수 있을 거예요.
- If you put it close to the water supply/drain pipe, it may be sucked in together when you lower the water, so please put it as far away as possible.
Remove the toilet cleaner from the outer vinyl and put it in the water tank without removing the inner vinyl. (Plastic with a thin layer of blue capsules should not be removed.)
- Refer to the illustration for the location of the toilet cleaner. 1. Water supply pipe 2. Drain pipe
You can use it about 5 minutes after you put the toilet cleaner in.
- If the color of the toilet cleaner becomes lighter or disappeared, put a new one in
Net Weight
- 40g x 10개