Semie-kitchen Braised Egg Beef Sauce
새미네부엌 계란 쇠고기 장조림 소스 (300ml)
Get ready to add some serious flavor to your meals!
This sauce has the perfect balance of seasonings to make any dish tasty. And the best part? You won't need to add anything else - just pour it on and enjoy. This one bottle is all you need, with all the essential ingredients from Sempio, a renowned fermentation company for over 75 years. From savory soy sauce to sweet starch syrup and garlic, it's all here in one bottle!
요리에 진짜 맛을 더할 준비가 되셨나요? 이 소스는 어떤 요리든 맛있게 만들어주는 완벽한 양념의 균형을 자랑합니다. 가장 좋은 점은 다른 것을 추가할 필요없이 그냥 붓고 즐기기만 하면 됩니다. 이 한 병에 모든 필수 재료가 들어 있습니다. 75년 이상의 발효 전문가로 유명한 샘표의 재료들로 만들어졌습니다. 구수한 간장부터 물엿, 마늘까지 모두 한 병에 담겨 있습니다. 누구나 맛있는 장조림을 만들 수 있습니다!
Ingredients: Semie's sauce 100g, water 300g, beef 400g, Shishito Chilli 60g, garlic 10g
Source: Water = 1:3 ratio.
You can make milder Braised Beef when cooking by boiling it for a long time with low-oil parts like Eye of Round! (Sauce: water = cooked in a 1:9 ratio) - Dice the beef into four pieces based on its texture and let the excess blood drain out in a pot.
- Place the drained beef, water, and sauce into the pot and remove any bubbling hot water.
- Let it simmer for 3 minutes and 30 seconds, then lower the heat and continue boiling for an additional 25 minutes.
- Sprinkle in some Shishito Chilli and a whole garlic 5 minutes before it's done. Once cooked, shred the meat for effortless enjoyment!
Net Weight
- 300ml
Brewed soy sauce, deep soy sauce, starch syrup, sugar, refined water, seasoning base, liquor, ground garlic, black pepper powder
**allergen: Soybean, wheat
Keep it at room temperature without direct sunlight