Fermented Konjac Brown Rice
발효 곤약 현미밥 (150g)
This fermented konjac brown rice boasts a low-calorie content, improved texture, and higher moisture content than traditional white rice, resulting in a closer-to-real-rice taste and texture. The fermentation process also improves the indigestibility and absorption properties of the konjac and reduces the odor.
가볍고 맛있게 간편하게 즐기는 즉석밥! 곤약으로 칼로리 부담은 낮추고 더 든든한 한끼 어떠세요? 곤약 전문 기업인 대신물산의 알알이곤약은 쌀의 식감을 그대로 살려 더욱 맛있답니다!
백미보다 더 미네랄이 풍부한 현미에 곡물 발효 효소까지 더해 영양 만점인 곤약밥을 간편하고 다양하게 드셔보세요.
백미보다 더 미네랄이 풍부한 현미에 곡물 발효 효소까지 더해 영양 만점인 곤약밥을 간편하고 다양하게 드셔보세요.
[Soft texture]
- Open the bag to the indicated area and microwave for 2 minutes.
[Soft texture]
- Open the bag to the indicated area and microwave for 2 minutes.
- Soak the whole pack in boiling water for 8 minutes.
[Crunchy texture]
- Open the bag to the indicated area and microwave for 3 minutes.
- Soak the whole pack in boiling water for 10 minutes.
- Open the bag to the indicated area and microwave for 3 minutes.
- Soak the whole pack in boiling water for 10 minutes.
Purified water, konjac powder, potato starch, glutinous rice powder, calcium hydroxide, curdlan, yeast, brown rice, glutinous brown rice
Net Weight
- 150g x 5 packs
Keep it at room temperature without direct sunlight