[Seoul Recipe]
Spicy Dried Pollack Fish (100g)
아귀포 무침 (100g)
Are you looking for unique Korean side dishes? Sweet and spicy dried pollack fish is here! This is a chewy and delicious side dish made of dried pollack fish that directly fired and seasoned by our special sauce.
독특한 한국 반찬을 찾고 계신가요? 달콤하고 매콤한 아귀포 무침이 나왔습니다! 저희 특제 소스와 직접 구워 양념한 황태 생선으로 만든 쫄깃하고 맛있는 반찬입니다.
Net Weight
Dried pollack fish, chilli paste, garlic, corn syrup, sesame seeds
Keep it at refrigerator