Fermen-gin Fermented Red Ginseng Family Set
퍼멘진 발효홍삼 패밀리 세트
Creating a positive home environment is a snap with our Family Red Ginseng Set! Bursting with vitality and well-being, this carefully crafted set is perfect for all ages. Bring a little harmony and health to your household with every use.
(For Men) Elevate your vitality with our Red Ginseng Stick for men! Perfect for busy lifestyles, it boosts energy, supports male health, and offers a convenient, pleasant alternative to bitter ginseng.
100% 6년근 인삼원료를 선별해 남성 활력을 위한 3대 성분, 테스토펜, 아르기닌, 마카를 함께 담았습니다! 회사생활에 지친 청년들도, 부담과 책임감에 힘든 아빠들도 하루 한포 발효홍삼으로 활력을 되찾아보세요!
(For Women) A 4-in-1 multi-formula combining fermented ginseng, zinc, vitamins, and niacin for immunity, energy, and antioxidant support. Enjoy delicious orange flavor—perfect for on-the-go!
맛있고 간편한 젤리스틱에 상큼한 오렌지를 더했어요! 직장생활과 육아에 지친 여성들을 위해 아연, 비타민 E, 나이아신을 하루 한 포로 간편하게! 1일 영양성분 기준치를 모두 담은 홍삼젤리로 면역력을 채우고 활력을 더해보세요~
(For Kid) It is designed to boost immunity and energy for easily fatigued or picky eaters. With a delicious flavor, it supports healthy growth, making it perfect for children and even adults with a sweet tooth!
100% 유산균 발효 특허공법으로 흡수력을 높인 발효홍삼, 우리아이 성장기에 빼놓을 수 없겠죠!
성장기에 필요한 10대 복합 기능성 영양분을 7가지 베리맛으로 쓰지 않고 맛있게 만들었습니다. 브레드 이발소와 함께 간편하고 맛있게 아이들 건강 챙겨보아요!
(For All-aged) Enhanced with probiotic fermentation science. This patented formula boosts immunity, reduces fatigue, and offers antioxidant benefits. Enjoy the delicious blueberry flavor while reaping the health benefits of high-absorption fermented ginseng!
힘들게 일하다 보면 밥 한끼 챙겨먹기도 너무 번거로울때, 간편하게 기력과 영양을 보충해 줄 홍삼 스틱입니다! 홍삼에 발효과학을 더해 체내흡수력을 더욱 높이고, 천연에서 유래한 블루베리 농축액으로 자연스러운 단맛을 더했어요!
Set include
- Fermen-gin Fermented Red Ginseng CK Active Stick For Men 퍼멘진 발효홍삼 CK 액티브 스틱 (남성용) (15g x 30ea)
- Fermen-gin Fermented Red Ginseng Muti-care Jelly Stick For Women 퍼멘진 발효홍삼 멀티케어 젤리 (여성용) (20g x 30ea)
- Fermen-gin Fermented Red Ginseng Jelly Stick For Kids 퍼멘진 발효홍삼 젤리스틱 (아동) (15g x 56ea)
Fermen-gin Fermented Red Ginseng Stick 퍼멘진 발효홍삼 스틱 (10ml x 30ea)
How to take?
- Daily 1 stick
- Kids Jelly: Daily 2 sticks
- (For Men) Femenjin fermented red ginseng concentrate CK (solid content: 60%) 6.67%, Testofen powder 1.3%
- (For Women) Fermented red ginseng concentrate, zinc gluconate, vitamin E mixed preparation powder, nicotinamide, purified water, fructooligosaccharide, orange concentrate, erythritol, lemon concentrate, locust bean gum powder, trisodium citrate, orange flavor, citric acid, pumpkin concentrate, calcium lactate, , green tea extract concentrate, vitamin B6 hydrochloride, vitamin B1 nitrate, vitamin B2, vitamin D3 mixed preparation powder
- (For Kids) Fermented red ginseng concentrate A, zinc gluconate, vitamin D3 mixed preparation powder, purified water, fructooligosaccharide, blueberry concentrate, seven berry concentrate, locust bean gum powder, blueberry flavor, sodium citrate, calcium lactate, enzyme-treated stevia, green tea extract concentrate, pear concentrate, platycodon root concentrate, xylitol
- (For All-aged) Fermented red ginseng concentrate Fermented red ginseng concentrate 99%, purified water, blueberry concentrate, fructooligosaccharide, ginger concentrate, sodium citrate, blueberry flavor, Y-cyclodextrin, green tea extract concentrate, xanthan gum
- Keep it in a cool place avoiding direct sunlight
Net Weight
- Fermen-gin Fermented Red Ginseng CK Active Stick For Men 퍼멘진 발효홍삼 CK 액티브 스틱 (남성용) (15g x 30ea)
- Fermen-gin Fermented Red Ginseng Muti-care Jelly Stick For Women 퍼멘진 발효홍삼 멀티케어 젤리 (여성용) (20g x 30ea)
- Fermen-gin Fermented Red Ginseng Stick 퍼멘진 발효홍삼 스틱 (10ml x 30ea)
Or - Fermen-gin Fermented Red Ginseng Jelly Stick For Kids 퍼멘진 발효홍삼 젤리스틱 (아동) (15g x 56ea)