Sangria Infusion Kit
(54g / with Red Wine)
Get ready for a magical sangria experience with our Sangria Infusion Kit! Perfect for those who want to add a little flavor to their red wine without any extra effort. Simply pour your wine and add our top-quality ingredients for a delicious and healthy drink. This kit includes fruits that are not only tasty but also alkaline, high in dietary fiber, and rich in vitamin C to boost your immunity and keep colds at bay. The added bonus? The antioxidants in the fruit protect your skin from aging, while flavonoids help with high blood pressure and cardiovascular health. Plus, the phytochemicals may prevent cancer and the eugenol and aldehyde ingredients offer anti-inflammatory and digestive benefits. Cheers to a fun and flavorful experience!
우리의 일상을 편리하고 즐겁게 만들어주는 묘약 샹그리아 키트!
샹그리아 인퓨전 키트는 레드 와인에 풍미더하고 싶은 분들에게 완벽한 선택입니다. 와인을 따르고 최고급 재료를 추가하면 맛있고 건강한 음료가 완성됩니다. 복잡한 레시피 필요 없이 와인만 부어 냉장보관하면 상그리아 만들기 끝!듬뿍 들어간 다양한 과일들은 알카리성 식품으로 풍부한 심이석유와 다량의 비타민C가 항산화 작용을 하여 면역력 개선으로 감기 예방과 피로 회복에 도움을 주고, 항당화 작용으로 작용으로 피부의 건강은 지켜주며 노화를 방지해 줍니다. 또한 과실 내 플라본 물질은 혈관 속에 쌓인 유해한 콜레스테롤과 염분을 배출해 고혈압 예방 치료를 해주고, 플라보노이드는 활성산소가 쌓이는 것을 막아줘서 심혈관 질환을 예방해줍니다. 부드럽고 청량한 과일의 깊은 맛과 향! 언제 어디서나 즐기고 싶다면 샹그리아키트와 함께 보내세요!
1. After removing the sealing film, open the lid and fill the bottle with wine or grape juice of your choice.
2. Close the lid and seal it completely, then refrigerate. (min 6 hours, max 24 hours) * It is most delicious when you drink it after 8 hours, within 24 hours.
3. Myoyak Sangria is delicious even when you drink it as is. You can also drink it with tonic water, carbonated water, sugar, honey, etc. according to your taste.
Fantastic combination: red wine or white wine
Aging period: min 6 Hours~ max 24 Hours
Recommended period: It is most delicious when you drink it after 8 hours, within 24 hours.
Aging period: min 6 Hours~ max 24 Hours
Recommended period: It is most delicious when you drink it after 8 hours, within 24 hours.
- Dried apple, dried orange, dried lemon, dried strawberry, dried pear, cinnamon, bayleaf
- Keep it at room temperature. It can be stored at room temperature for up to 2 years before adding alcohol, and it is recommended to drink it within 48 hours after adding alcohol.
Net Weight
- 54g / with Red wine (750ml)