[JY Story]
Date Syrup
[제이와이 스토리]
박재영 발효본가 대추 조청 (280g)
Park Jae-young's fermented Date syrup delivers guilt-free sweetness, crafted from only the finest Korean ingredients with zero artificial additives, preservatives, or colors, created with a distinct dedication and left to stew for 72 hours in a hot cauldron. It's a healthy sweetening option you can trust!
인공첨가물을 단 1%도 넣지 않은 건강한 단맛!
전통적인 가마솥 탕전방식으로 생산한 장인의 자부심, 박재영 발효본가의 쌀조청을 소개합니다~
다양한 요리에 단맛과 윤기를 더하고
설탕, 잼, 꿀 대신 건강하게!
우리쌀로 만든 정성이 가득한 조청으로 일상에 풍미를 더해보세요.
Adding the Date Syrup to boiled or marinated meat dishes can lend sweetness and a glossy sheen while utilizing it during the seasoning or stir-frying process will help maintain the flavor and color of the dish over a prolonged period of time.
When used in place of jam, honey, or sugar to sweeten rice cakes, the Date Syrup can enhance the flavor of traditional Korean desserts such as yakgwa. It can even become a simple date brew if you mix it into hot water.
- Red Date (jujube), malt, enzymes
- 280g
Keep it at room temperature without direct sunlight