Gourmet Gongbang fish shaped bun with red bean
Gourmet Gongbang fish shaped bun with red bean and ice cream with milk
Gourmet Gongbang fish shaped bun with red bean and milk
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[Gourmet Gongbang] Fish Shaped Bun (Red Bean) (Frozen) [고메공방] 팥이통통 쁘띠 붕어빵 (냉동) (50g x 8EA)

Gourmet Gongbang
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$54.00 HKD
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$54.00 HKD
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[Gourmet Gongbang] 

Fish Shaped Bun (Red Bean)


팥이통통 쁘띠 붕어빵 (50g x 8개)

Mini taiyaki bread filled with domestically produced pesticide-free wheat flour and domestically produced whole red beans.

It's an indispensable snack for winter. If you turn it on an air fryer, it has a crispy outside and moist inside, giving it a freshly baked texture. If you eat it with vanilla ice cream, the size that is perfect for children and women to eat as a snack or dessert, it will be remembered by children as a dessert of memories.

Cook for 12-13 minutes at 180 degrees in an air fryer without defrosting.

Put a wrap on the microwave and warm it up properly in about 1 minute and 30 seconds to 2 minutes.


국내산 무농약 밀가루와 국내산 통팥이 가득한 미니 붕어빵.

겨울에 빠질수 없는 추억의 간식이죠. 에어 프라이어에 돌리시면 겉은 바삭하고 속은 촉촉한 갓 구운듯한 식감입니다. 아이들과 여성분들이 간식이나 디저트로 먹기에 딱 좋은 사이즈, 바닐라 아이스크림과 함께 드시면 아이들 에게도 추억속의 디저트로 기억될거에요. 

해동없이 에어프라이어에 180도, 12-13분 가량 조리하세요.

전자레인지에도 랩을 씌워 약 1분 30초~2분이면 알맞게 데워집니다.  


Storage: Keep it in the freezer