Straight From Seoul Recipe Kitchen
Burdock Gangjeong
우엉강정 (50g)
These chips are so good, you might not even have time to sit down for a meal! They're the perfect pick-me-up when you need a snack that's both tasty and satisfying (and won't make you regret it after).
이 칩은 반찬으로도, 간식으로도 완벽합니다! 크리스피하고 달콤한 맛의 우엉강정을 맛보세요!
Burdock, bell pepper, chili, corn starch, sesame seeds, sesame oil, soy sauce, corn syrup, sugar, mirin
- Served as a side dish
Net Weight
- 50g
- Keep it refrigerated
우엉 강정