Goreun Beef Rib Soup
고른 진한 육갈탕 (700g)
On a day when you need a hearty meal, do you crave something different from your usual, boring menu? Try this unique beef rib soup, made with hearty broth and plenty of tender rib meat! Discover the flavorful and hearty Goreun Beef Rib Soup!
든든한 한 끼가 필요한 날, 자주 즐기는 평범한 메뉴 대신 특별한 국물요리를 찾고 있다면? 시원하고 얼큰한 육개장에 소갈비를 듬뿍 넣은 이색 갈비탕! 깊은 풍미가 더해진 고른 진한 육갈탕을 만나보세요!
- Pour the thawed meat broth into a pot and heat thoroughly for about 9 to 10 minutes.
- Purified water, beef ribs, taro stems, green onions, beef soup, beef, pickled vegetables, radish, jinsagol extract, acid-hydrolyzed soy sauce, beef extract, compound seasoning, red pepper seasoning, refined salt, flavor enhancer, garlic powder, white pepper powder
**allergen: beef, soybeans, wheat, milk
Keep it in a freezer below 18°C
Net Weight
- 700g