Spicy Stir-fried Octopus
매콤 낙지 볶음
Chewy Bouncy Spicy Stir-fried Octopus is here. This octopus is in its perfect sliced shape as the process to cover the chili sauce is done by hand not by machine. Also, it is soaked in the water with Shitake mushroom, the fishy smell and saltiness from the octopus are removed neatly.
쫀쫀 탱글한 매콤 낙지 볶음을 준비했어요. 이 낙지는 양념을 버무릴때에도 기계가 아닌 손으로 버무려서 전혀 흐물거리지 않아요. 또한 표고버섯과 함께 물에 담가두어 비린내와 짠맛을 제거한 깔끔한 맛의 낙지 볶음이에요. 깔끔한 매콤함을 탱글탱글하게 즐겨보세요!
- Defrost in a fridge or in a runny water
- Heat up a pan with high heat for 3 to 5 min.
- Stir-fry it no longer than 3-5 min as Octopus can get tough as it gets dry.
- Add extra flavors slices of leek and onions.
- Defrost enough otherwise the marinade may get burn
- octopus 75%, chili paste, corn syrup, chili powder, garlic, sesame seed
- Keep it in a freezer
Net Weight
- 500g