Fermented Konjac Lentils Rice
발효 곤약 렌틸 콩밥 (150g)
This fermented konjac rice contains 4.9% superfood lentils, and boasts a low-calorie content, improved texture, and higher moisture content than traditional white rice, resulting in a closer-to-real-rice taste and texture. The fermentation process also improves the indigestibility and absorption properties of the konjac and reduces the odor.
가볍고 맛있게 간편하게 즐기는 즉석밥! 곤약으로 칼로리 부담은 낮추고 더 든든한 한끼 어떠세요? 곤약 전문 기업인 대신물산의 알알이곤약은 쌀의 식감을 그대로 살려 더욱 맛있답니다!
슈퍼푸드인 렌틸콩이 6.5%나 첨가되어 간편하고 건강한 한끼로 안성맞춤이랍니다.
슈퍼푸드인 렌틸콩이 6.5%나 첨가되어 간편하고 건강한 한끼로 안성맞춤이랍니다.
[Soft texture]
- Open the bag to the indicated area and microwave for 2 minutes.
[Soft texture]
- Open the bag to the indicated area and microwave for 2 minutes.
- Soak the whole pack in boiling water for 8 minutes.
[Crunchy texture]
- Open the bag to the indicated area and microwave for 3 minutes.
- Soak the whole pack in boiling water for 10 minutes.
- Open the bag to the indicated area and microwave for 3 minutes.
- Soak the whole pack in boiling water for 10 minutes.
Purified water, konjac powder, prepared potato starch, glutinous rice powder, calcium hydroxide, curdlan, yeast, brown rice, lentils, glutinous brown rice
Net Weight
- 150g
Keep it at room temperature without direct sunlight