Rose Sauce Wheat Tteokbokki (Frozen)
로제 밀떡볶이 (냉동) (482g)
Omadeng, which is well-known for its tteokbokki flavor as well as fish cake, is introducing rose wheat tteokbokki. It is no wonder that they used fish cake with a high softness to match the reputation of Omadeng, a famous fish cake vendor. It is characterized by a soft, umami sauce with red pepper paste and cream. Use soft and thin wheat cake to cut the sauce in. Cook it easily and enjoy the creamy flavor in your mouth. Indulge in the creamy goodness of Rose Sauce Wheat Tteokbokki (Frozen) 로제 밀떡볶이 (냉동) (482g). Made with high-quality, soft fish cake from the renowned Omadeng fish cake vendor, this delightful dish boasts a soft and savory sauce, made with red pepper paste and cream. Layered with delicate, thin wheat cake, it's a mouthwatering treat that's easy to prepare and even easier to enjoy.
매콤 달콤한 고추장에 부드럽고 풍미 가득한 크림의 조화가 돋보이는 오마뎅 로제 밀떡볶이를 밀키트로 만나보세요. 갓 뽑은 듯 쫄깃한 밀떡, 떡볶이의 감초 역할 어묵, 그리고 로제 소스까지 모두 담아 따로 재료 준비 없이 끓이기만 하면 누가 만들어도 맛있는 로제 떡볶이가 완성되죠. 어묵 브랜드답게 평범한 어묵을 사용하지 않았어요. 고급 흰 살 연육으로 만든 어묵은 인공색소와 밀가루가 들어있지 않고, 밀가루 대신 감자 전분을 이용하여 퍼지지 않고 쫄깃한 식감을 유지한답니다. 여기에 다진 채소까지 더해 건강함까지 더했어요.
- Rice cake/fish cake/sauce - Products containing soybeans, wheat, tomatoes, shrimp, milk, shellfish (oyster, mussels) are manufactured in production facilities such as those using eggs, milk, peanuts, crab, shrimp, pork, chicken, squid, tomatoes, clams, and walnuts.
1. Wash the rice cake in water and put it in a pot.
2. Add 80mL of water and fish cake in a pot and boil them together.
3. Once it boils down, add the rose sauce and stir to cook it well so that it won't burn.
4. It's done when the sauce is thick enough.
Tip. You can enjoy it even more by adding Vienna sausage or bacon, ramen noodle or chewy noodle, egg, cheese, can enjoy more deliciously!
Net Weight:
- 482g (Rice cake 300g + Fishcake 62g + Sauce 120g)